
Search for degrons, their modifications, conservation, emergence after proteolysis, predict stability of protein N-/C-terminus and many more.
Watch our video QuicTour to see what DEGRONOPEDIA can do for you!

Query by UniProt ID

Search for degrons in the proteomes of selected model organisms
H. sapiens, M. musculus, R. norvegicus, D. rerio, D. melanogaster, C. elegans, S. cerevisiae, S. pombe, A. thaliana, O. sativa, Z. mays

Query by sequence

Predict disordered regions based on:

Define custom degron motifs (optional)
Define custom degron motifs, either as exact sequence motifs or regular expressions. What is a regular expression?
Define custom proteolytic sites (optional)
Upload custom Multiple Sequence Alignment (optional)
Upload Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) of the query protein's orthologs in FASTA format to check for degrons' conservation among them

Query by structure

Read about the recommended structure input here.
Pass UniProt ID of the structure (optional)
If the UniProt ID is in our database, the server will display post-translational modifications, mutations and all the other data associated with the query - mimics the "Query by UniProt ID", but the structure as submitted by the user.

The submitted structure is:
Predict disordered regions based on:

Define custom degron motifs (optional)
Define custom degron motifs, either as exact sequence motifs or regular expressions. What is a regular expression?
Define custom proteolytic sites (optional)
Upload custom Multiple Sequence Alignment (optional)
Upload Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) of the query protein's orthologs in FASTA format to check for degrons' conservation among them

⚙️ Customize settings (optional; refers to any query type)

Read more about parameters in the Documentation.

Primary degron-related
Degron flanking region in sequence [aa]
Degron flanking region in structure [Å]
Region length to calculate degron disorder [aa]

Secondary degron-related
Region length to calculate secondary degron (K/C/T/S) disorder [aa]

Tertiary degron-related
Minimum IDR distance from the secondary degron (K/C/T/S) [aa]

Minimum continuous IDR length [aa]
pLDDT/LDDT disorder threshold [%]
IUPred3 disorder threshold [%]
Buried residue threshold [%]

Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA)-related
Maximum distance from the degron motif in query to consider
the same degron motif from the ortholog as conserved [aa]

Number of jobs in the queue: 0 (Tue Oct 22 12:38:02 UTC 2024); 5658 jobs submitted so far (3877 UniProt, 1479 FASTA, 302 PDB)